Scheduled Trade Permit Apparently Issued by Ethekwini

It has been brought to our attention that EnviroServ are informing their customers that the Scheduled Trade Permit has been issued by eThekwini. To view the correspondence click here.

We have asked to inspect these 99,000 letters of support. eThekwini have not yet supplied, amongst other things, these said letters of support, or eThekwinis’ own evidence which it was allegedly relying upon, and declined, despite an invitation from UHA to engage with the UHA retained experts which have been paid for with the community funds.

The polluter gets notification and reasons before the objectors prejudicing all our rights to appeal this decision.

Once UHA gets formal notification from Ethekwini that they have issued the STP, we will consider exercising our rights of appeal in terms of the bylaws.

If you objected to the issuing of the STP and did not get acknowlegement, and if you want to exercise your rights to appeal, please refer to the bylaws previously submitted once you get notification.

Upper Highway Air