EnviroServ – different day, same delay

UHA attorneys were approached by EnviroServ attorneys, Shepstone & Wylie, to ask if UHA and thus the community, would agree to a THIRD (3rd) adjournment of the Constitutional challenge case pending in Pietermaritzburg and set down for 15 November 2019.

This matter has been used by EnviroServ to repeatedly delay the criminal case, and the reason for the requested adjournment is that one of the team of advocates employed by them is no longer available on the date agreed to by them.

UHA has not agreed to this further delay. The Minister apparently has, and Ethekwini was still to let EnviroServ know. It should come as no surprise that the Minister has no problem letting the challenge to the legislation languish, while EnviroServ use this to their advantage to delay justice in the criminal court.

The Community is again the one which is prejudiced. It will also come as no surprise if Ethekwini assist their buddies, EnviroServ, just like they have in failing to deal with any of the appeals launched by UHA and community members against the grant of the Scheduled Trade Permits issued to EnviroServ.

The Green Scorpions Criminal Case against EnviroServ and its Directors set for Friday the 18th of October at the Durban Magistrates Court, will be adjourned for trial as at least they seem to have grown tired of the delay tactics.

Upper Highway Air